Celebrations are in order for a group of 12 study abroad students and their faculty leader from the University of Florida. We are proud to share this event with them.
This June marks a milestone for CEPA, welcoming our 100th study abroad group so far for the year. Approximately 35 more faculty-led programs from different universities will take place throughout Europe, Asia, and Brazil this Fall and by the end of 2016.
During their stay at the European Study Center in Strasbourg – Château de Pourtalés, the student group from Florida were honored during an afternoon cake and coffee party by Harald Leibrecht and the team members from CEPA and the Château.
The students are staying in Europe until the end of the month, taking part in a full-spectrum program organized by CEPA. It focuses on comparative environmental politics and sustainability including visits to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, United Nations and World Trade Organization in Geneva, many castles, wineries, and organic farms in France and Germany, windfarms and solar power industries, local and organic food production, as well as cooking schools in Italy.
As part of their course requirements, the University of Florida students will be developing projects for “bringing home” to their own towns, cities, and states the best environmental and sustainability practices and policies observed and studied in Switzerland, Germany, France, and Italy.
Learn more about their study abroad program >