Julia Lin

Study Abroad Coordinator

Born into a Chinese immigrant family in Germany, Julia’s multicultural background shapes her unique journey.

With family and friends all over the world, Julia has always been keen to learn about other people’s cultures and their stories. Studying abroad in Málaga for one semester has further ignited her passion for international connections and languages. She is now studying for her bachelor’s degree in Tourism Management at Harz University of Applied Sciences in Wernigerode.

During her internship at CEPA, Julia is seeking valuable insight into international business and travel management, aiming to make meaningful connections and wanting to help other international students make the most out of their academic experiences abroad.

Julia is fluent in German and English, and she is currently learning French as well as Spanish.

My favorite quote or advice:

“You are not going nowhere just because you haven’t
gotten where you want to go yet” – Taylor Swift